Form 24G

The data structure (file format) in which Form 24G (Regular and Correction statement) is to be prepared:

  • Each Form 24G saved in a CD/Pen Drive to be submitted along with duly signed Form 24G Statement Statistic Report.

Form 24G, in accordance with the file format, is to be prepared in clean text ASCII format with 'txt' as filename extension. Form 24G can be prepared using in-house software, any other third party software or the Protean Form 24G Preparation Utility.

Sample file prepared as per the file format given below for reference.

  • Each Form 24G saved in a CD/Pen Drive to be submitted along with duly signed Form 24G Statement Statistic Report.

Once the file (regular/correction Form 24G file) is prepared as per the file format, it should be verified using the File Validation Utility (FVU) provided by Protean.

  • Each Form 24G saved in a CD/Pen Drive to be submitted along with duly signed Form 24G Statement Statistic Report.

In case the file has any errors, the FVU will give a report of the errors. Rectify the errors and verify the file again, by passing it through the FVU.

  • Each Form 24G saved in a CD/Pen Drive to be submitted along with duly signed Form 24G Statement Statistic Report.

The upload file generated by the FVU on successful validation is to be furnished to a TIN-FC.

  • Each Form 24G saved in a CD/Pen Drive to be submitted along with duly signed Form 24G Statement Statistic Report.